There are pros and cons to carrying large handbags and small handbags. When you’re dressed up for a night out on the town you don’t want to be dragging around a large handbag when all you’re carrying with you is some lipstick and maybe a cell phone. (more…)
Who doesn’t love the holiday sparkle of patent handbags? And they are really useful too. Holiday parties can put quite a strain on your wardrobe at a time of year when most people don’t have a lot of extra money for new clothes. Dressing appropriately for holiday parties and not wearing the same outfit every time can be challenging if you do a lot of socializing during the holiday season. (more…)
Shopping for a new handbag can be a real challenge for me and choosing my handbag colors is even more difficult. There are so many beautiful rich colors these days to choose from. So what is a woman to do, choose one from all the handbag colors? Wouldn’t that be nice… a red handbag for my red outfits, a purple handbag for my purple outfits, and of course I would need to have the basic black that would go with everything I might want to wear. Lets get back to the real world now shall we. (more…)