Shopping for a new handbag can be a real challenge for me and choosing my handbag colors is even more difficult. There are so many beautiful rich colors these days to choose from. So what is a woman to do, choose one from all the handbag colors? Wouldn’t that be nice… a red handbag for my red outfits, a purple handbag for my purple outfits, and of course I would need to have the basic black that would go with everything I might want to wear. Lets get back to the real world now shall we.
I know, there are women who just love multiple handbag colors and really do have one of every color and design. However, for a lot of women when it comes to choosing colors the simple and easy thing for them to do is to go with the traditional basic black. Some women even have the same handbag colors every day because they are too timid when it comes to handbag colors and coordinating that they don’t want to appear to be out of style. Does this green handbag go with favorite blue dress, does this color of purple go with my orange dress, on and on, you get the picture.
We have all looked at some of these deep purple and off the normal “color grid” handbag colors and thought to ourselves, what in the world do I have in my closet that would go with these handbag colors ! You might be quite surprised at what colors do go with each other and how well they look together. Although one of my favorite colors has always been black I feel it’s only because it is easy to not have to make those color coordinated choices. Yes I admit I can relate to the women that want to stick to basic black. Lately I have been attracted to all the beautiful purple, green, and blue colors out there on the market today.
One of my favorite handbag colors now is a deep rust color that surprisingly goes with many different outfits. I have also been keeping my eye on a deep rich purple one that will be my next choice. Who knows, maybe in a year from now I will own a a rainbow in handbag colors. There are so many beautiful handbag colors to choose from, time to go shopping!