There are pros and cons to carrying large handbags and small handbags. When you’re dressed up for a night out on the town you don’t want to be dragging around a large handbag when all you’re carrying with you is some lipstick and maybe a cell phone. But for the workday a small handbag often is too small and you need a larger bag to fit everything into it that you might need for the day such as your lunch, bottled water, makeup and toiletries, an extra pair of stockings, your cell phone, day planner, pens and other items. This is why large handbags are so much more convenient.
So when it comes down to carrying large bags versus carrying small handbags, which is better?
The answer really depends on what type of event you’re going to. Most women prefer to carry a large bag during the day, the larger the better and hobo handbags are the perfect size if your looking for large handbags.
Large handbags are great big bags that can double as a laptop carrier or grocery bag, ideal for daytime so that you can run all your errands and carry everything that you might need with you wherever you go. But if you’re going out for dinner or on a date then a small handbag that you can fit easily into a pocket is a good choice as long as it has enough room to hold your lip gloss, an ID, some money and a cell phone , no need for large handbags.
If you’re going to be meeting friends out somewhere or if you’re meeting your date and you want to bring a sweater or another pair of shoes just in case you need them you can bring large handbags with the other items that you might need in them and then leave them in the car and just bring in a small, cute handbag. That way you’re covered in any situation. You’ll have the extra sweater or the other pair of shoes that you might need but you don’t have to drag out one of the large handbags all night. This is a great trick to use when you’re going out to a nightclub and you want to make sure that you have some extra clothes with you in case you don’t go home until the next morning.
Large handbags and small handbags both serve a purpose, and women love them both. I prefer the large handbags.